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A nerdy twelve-year-old boy enlists the help of his two best friends to help him ask his crush, the most popular girl in school, to tomorrow’s middle school dance.

  • Award Winner and Nominee - June 2022 - Indie Short Fest - Los Angeles International Film Festival

    • Winner: Best Children Short

    • Other Nominations:

      • Best Romantic Comedy Short

      • Best Student Director (Male)

  • Honorable Mention - Student World Impact Film Festival 2022

  • Official Selection - New Filmmakers Showcase - Syracuse International Film Festival 2022 

Film Stats

USA, 2022, 16m 34s
Digital / 2.4:1 / 4608 x 1920p

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Press Kit


Bobby Fodera


Bobby Fodera


Bobby Fodera

Director of Photography

Derrick Hsiao

1st Assistant Director

Seth Friedman

2nd Assistant Director

Maya Gelsi

Assistant Camera

Olivia Chapman

Ben Senior

Sound Mixer

Casey Tissue

Production Assistants

Morgan Bromley

Akhil Gandhi

Peipei Liu

Kaitlyn Nero

Kerilyn Schreiber

Production Designer

Bobby Fodera

Art Production Assistant

Jordan Schechter

Grip & Electric

Roman Natale

Charley Walton


Bobby Fodera


Brandon Dale Hunt

Isabella Curulla

Matthew Terry

Peter Alexander Konstantakos

Carleigh Johnston

Kelly Gallagher

Pete Vroman

Middle School Students

Megan Busche

Siena Oceanna

Garrett Simpson

Kayla Grace Konstantakos

Special Thanks

The Parents of the Child Actors

Kelly Gallagher

Ryan Jeffery

Rob Edwards

Kip Konweiser

Jenna Schmidt

Owen Hananel

Deborah Fodera

Robert Fodera

Fundraising Contributors

Liz Semegran

Amanda Chisholm

Daniella Fodera

Richard Hawk

Robert Obermair

Lisa Coster

Elizabeth Badenhausen

Diane Andrews

Gabrielle Novoa

Katherine Bertekap

Matthew Arkema

Nathan Hapke

Kerilyn Schreiber


Love's Admission - Jon Bjork

In the Blue (Instrumental Version) - Tommy Ljungberg

Scream My Name (Instrumental Version) - Taynte

Wasteland Rock - OTE

Behind Closed Doors - Trailer Worx

Five Floors - Erasmus Talbot

Wasting No Time - FLYIN

Last Kiss Goodnight - Kevin Macleod

The Morning Light - L.M. Styles

Country of Origin: United States of America

Fodera Films is the author of this motion picture for the purposes of U.S. copyright law and the Berne Convention, as well as other international laws giving effect thereto.

The characters and events in this motion picture are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental.

Ownership of this motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition of this motion picture or any part thereof (including soundtrack) could result in criminal prosecution as well as civil liability.


Freddy, a nerdy fourth-grade boy, wants to ask his crush, Courtney, the most popular girl in school, to tomorrow’s Snowflake Dance, but he is too shy and self-conscious to ask her out. He tells his friends, Abby and Garrett, about this while they sit on the bench during gym class as he draws a portrait of Courtney in his sketchbook, and they reluctantly agree to help. Freddy’s crush is revealed to the class after he gets knocked out by a kickball and confesses his feelings for Courtney while in a daze. As Freddy walks out of the nurse’s office, Courtney looks at him and he freezes, speechless.

Garrett and Abby help Freddy practice asking Courtney out in the drama room with various costumes and props. They also help him make a paper flower bouquet in art class as they talk about Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) and decide to ask Courtney the following morning since school is almost over. Abby is helping reluctantly, but the boys don’t notice.

Freddy, Abby, and Garrett split off at their lockers as Freddy is getting picked up by his mom, and Abby and Garrett are taking the bus. Hunter and Courtney plan to embarrass Freddy by having Courtney agree to go to the dance with him and end up showing up with Hunter, but Hunter isn’t quite so sure about the plan. As Freddy leaves the school, he literally runs into Hunter as he continues working on the portrait of Courtney. Hunter pins Freddy against the fence and interrogates him. He spills out his backpack and destroys the paper flower bouquet.

Later, Freddy cries at home, destroys the portrait of Courtney, and throws his sketchbook across the room. He knocks over a figurine with this as he pick it back up, he finds a dusty box set of Star Trek: TNG, opens it, and inside are Polaroid photographs of him and Abby on Halloween and as well as them with Garrett, too. Freddy has a realization and draws a portait of Abby next to Courtney’s in his sketchbook.

The next morning, he walks out of the principal’s office, walks down the hallway, and arrives at his locker. Hunter barrels around the corner, asking him if he’s ready for round two, but the School Principal appears and interrupts them. She takes him away to her office for yesterday’s incident. Garrett and Abby have watched the whole thing and Freddy pulls a poster out of his locker and asks Abby to go to the dance with him. Abby is speechless and runs into the Girl’s Bathroom. Freddy is numb and hangs his head in his locker and Garrett tries to console him. As Freddy closes his locker, Abby appears behind it and they have a heart-to-heart, but Abby ultimately agrees to go to the dance with him.

Later, Freddy approaches Courtney. She assumes he’s there to ask her to the school dance, but instead he apologizes for telling the whole class he had a crush on her. She is angered and Freddy walks away. Hunter watches this all go down but restrains himself.

That night, Freddy and Abby show up late to the dance because the duct tape accessories he made for them took a longer time to make than expected. As they walk through the school courtyard, snow begins to fall and slow music emanates from a side gym door. They decide to dance in the snowfall and Courtney jealously watches them from inside as Hunter spills a trash bag and falls in it while in a reflective vest. As Freddy and Abby finish dancing, Garrett shows up at the side door. Freddy invites him over and the three dance and have fun in the snowfall.

About the Director

ROBERT V. FODERA, JR., or better known as Bobby, was born in Staten Island, New York, and is a 2022 Graduate of Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts with a B.F.A. Film and a Minor in Animation and Visual Effects. Since 2016, he has directed numerous short films, music videos, and short animated films.  Stories from Sicily (2020) is notably his first documentary project, and The Seven Stages of Grief (2021) is his second and latest experimental film. Snowflake Dance (2022) is his senior thesis film and is the narrative culmination of his college filmmaking career. As a filmmaker, Fodera is developing his creative style through his educational endeavors in Syracuse and has an ongoing web series titled, Bobby Fodera’s Weight Loss Journey (2020-). Fodera aspires to be a director of feature films that push the limits of creative storytelling.

Director's Statement

This film is the culmination of college filmmaking career and will be my most ambitious and professional film to date. This film was inspired by feature film idea I began outlining a writing during the Covid-19 Outbreak and Quarantine. Since we were all stuck in our homes in Summer 2020, I tried to flex my creative muscles by scriptwriting and thinking of various ideas for stories. The idea for the feature was inspired by my own experience at Union Township Elementary and Middle Schools in Hampton, NJ. I never fully wrote out the feature, but outlined two-thirds of the scenes in a treatment and didn’t touch it again for over a year. When it came to the Fall 2021 semester at Syracuse University in Los Angeles, I had to begin Pre-Production on my Senior Thesis film, so I went through my past, not-fully developed ideas and found the treatment for the feature I wrote the previous summer. This story I am telling in this short film is very different from the feature. I mainly plucked the main character, which is inspired by myself, and a few iconic and important scenes that I wanted to use and created a virtually new concept around it. The feature version of this idea was a coming of age story with many story-lines and an exploration into a nerdy fourth grader in elementary school preparing to make the transition to middle school. This idea focused a lot more on the life of my main character, Freddy, at home and his perspective on his parents crumbling marriage and him just wanting to not lose their love, as well as a social schism between Freddy with his desire to be like the popular kids and his jealous nerdy friends, who were both male. When I first began working to adapt this to a short, Freddy’s friends were both still male and he was still 10-year-old fourth grader. I eventually developed aging the kids up to twelve adn thirteen years old in middle school and he has one male and female friend. I wanted to focus on telling the story of a young boy discovering that the person he loved was in front of him all along, beauty is more than just aesthetics, and that you should embrace who you are and not try to be someone you’re not. Over the course of more than thirty drafts and three major story changes, I wrote the script for the film and got feedback on it from friends, classmates, and teachers along the way. I am still developing the script, but this is the latest version to date. I am excited to make this film in the Spring of 2022 and make something that can showcase my passion, love, and talents for filmmaking and telling stories.

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© 2024 Bobby Fodera

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